Dear Nathania,
Well, as you probably figured out, my book started out as Red Rabbit (by Tom Clancy), which hasn't much to do with actual rabbits, and then it morphed into a book about colours. As a Visual artist, I love colour and I wanted to explore it using many different mediums. The cover fabric I found reminds me of the "DoodleArt" posters I did as a kid. many years ago (they were "colour it yourself" posters).
My favourite page of Red Rabbit is "Yellow."
I teach with Learning Through the Arts in this school district and presently am creating altered books on Extreme Environments, at Port Moody Middle school with gr. 6,7's. My teenage daughter Kim-whose book is also in the show-started her book while a volunteer at Evergreen's arts camp this past summer (where I also teach), as I did altered board books with kids there. She tells me she likes collage more, while I like to use more painterly approaches.
I first saw an Altered book during the annual "Emerging talent "exhibition at Evergreen's Art Gallery, since then I have been looking at books on altered art, websites and experimenting with the idea ever since.
This is a new artform for Kim and I, one we are still learning about and so far, enjoying the journey.
Wendy Anderson